Contact & Location

Your way to us

Our orthopedic surgery is located in the Ärztehaus Ramsau, which is centrally located on the Zillertaler Talstraße and can hardly be missed. There are plenty of parking spaces in front of the building (in front of ADEG and PFISTER). We ask you to keep the spaces free for the ambulance and emergency doctor, directly in front of the surgery at the back of the house. The bus stop is also located on the main street, directly at the level of the medical centre.

Appointments can only be made by telephone!

Phone & Email

+43 5282 4939

+43 676 525 88 90

Orthopaedics Zillertal
Dr. Christian Schimanek

Ramsau 160
6284 Ramsau in Zillertal

Contact form

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Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 12:00 - Tuesday: 15:00 - 18:00 - Thursday: 16:00 - 19:00

We kindly ask you to make an appointment by telephone!
Outside opening hours and in acute emergencies you can reach us on M +43 676 525 88 90

We are there for you when you need us!